Marc Helsen – Memorial Training Day


Kan een afbeelding zijn van 6 mensen en de tekst 'MARC HELSEN Memorial Training Day SATURDAY 22 APRIL 2023 10:00h- 16:00h SPORTHAL CAMPING 'T VEEN EEKHOORNLAAN 1 2960 BRECHT BELGIUM € 25,= 5 HOURS OF HIGH LEVEL TRAINING more information 国際柔 Initiatiefnemers lesgevers Tony van Venrooy Dan NEDERLAND Michael van Oostrum Jean Pierre van Vré Dan Dan NEDERLAND BELGIE Rida ande Plas Dan BELGIE Edgar Kruyning NEDERLAND'

On January 10th 2023 our beloved Belgium Seishinkai Sensei Marc Helsen past away.
In honor of his his memory, a few of his friends and Sensei are organizing Memorial Training Day.

Doing what Marc-San liked the most ..
Being together on the Tatami, learning from passionate and skilled Sensei.

That is why the Sensei/Friends on the poster below get together on Saturday April 22th in Belgium.
Tell your fellow Budoka and Friends, honor Marc with your presence and train, learn and enjoy.

For more information, please contact.


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