Technical Seminar
KUZUSHI “undermining the foundation” This is the First Seminar after two years of Covid-restrictions. We are happy to organize a really nice get-together where we will explain and practice Theme #2 within our our Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu Syllabus. 7th Dan Rob Coolen Sensei, together with 4th Dan René van der Meijden… Continue reading
Black Belt Examinations – Belgium
We are planning our next Official Black Belts Examinations on Saturday June 11th, 2022. As you know we re-scheduled because of the lock-downs and restrictions in the different countries. Let us hope that this time all the harding work and training put in the preparation can be shown on the… Continue reading
Technical Seminar
This Seminar Rob Coolen (7th Dan) wil teach the different defenses against a knife-attack taken from the Seishinkai Kata, E-Bo-no-Kata, Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata and Kime-no-Kata. The second hour will be filled by Theme #7 from the SJJI syllabus, Renraku-Waza: indirect combinations. What to do when the opponent resists or is trying… Continue reading
SJJI Black Belt Exams
Saterday March 4th in Hamont, Belgium we are organizing our official Black Belt Examinations again. At this moment 3 persons applied to take their 3rd Dan Test. If you want to join also please mail to or to